Join today for your entire family to attend training days and get discounts on chapter-sponsored clinics and tests.
Joining RMC NAVHDA means joining a family of hunting dog lovers who are committed to the ongoing development of their versatile hunting partner through training. Most of our training events are at Cobb Lake SWA near Wellington, CO.
Membership Terms:
- Valid from January 1 through December 31.
- Members joining after August 1 will have a valid membership through December 31, of the following year.
- Membership provides you with communications, information about upcoming events, and more!
- Membership with both NAVHDA International and Rocky Mountain Chapter NAVHDA are required to attend training days! (Get your NAVHDA International membership.)
- Dues are $45 per individual/family. The Rocky Mountain Chapter membership dues are the same for both individuals and families.
We have a great year planned with tests scheduled in the spring and fall along with great training days during the year. Watch the RMC NAVHDA website or join the Rocky Mtn. Chapter NAVHDA Facebook page to see the latest information on test dates and other activities.
We appreciate your continued support of our NAVHDA Rocky Mountain Chapter!
Join Now!
Reminder: you must also be a member of NAVHDA International.