We are a nonprofit corporation and the purposes of our organization are:
To promote the interests of wildlife by such activities such as:
- Promoting the conservation of game by teaching the use of well-trained, reliable hunting dogs before and after the shot.
- Fostering ethical hunter behavior and conservation practices through education programs.
- Sponsoring fundraising events to release birds, improve habitat, create food plots, and acquire land to be set aside for wildlife.
- Making the other resources of our club available to organizations attempting to propagate wildlife.
To foster, improve, promote, and protect the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America by such activities such as:
- Conducting field tests for the versatile breeds according to the test standards of the NAVHDA.
- Sponsoring training clinics to assist handlers in training their dogs for hunting and testing.
- Sponsoring other activities of interest to members.
- Sponsoring events to raise funds to assist in financing tests and training clinics.
- Promoting the use of the versatile hunting dog breeds to other hunters and sportspeople, including novice hunters and youth.
Enjoy our site, and welcome to RMC NAVHDA!
For questions or information related to our 501(c)(3) designation, please get in touch with our Treasurer at rmcnavhda.nonprofit@gmail.com.