2020 NAVHDA Annual Meeting

The 2020 NAVHDA (national) Annual Meeting will be held in Portland, Maine on January 24-26 next year, hosted by the Sebasticook chapter. See details here.

The NAVHDA Youth Committee would like to formally invite all families with youth to come and join us for the 2020 NAVHDA International Annual Meeting in Portland, Maine. The “Youth – Full Registration – All Access Pass” during the ticket purchase process for youth attendees allows them to listen in on all the speakers, presentations and be part of the entire meeting including Saturday’s banquet meal cost. Saturday afternoon there will be a youth meet and greet at the youth booth following the delegate meeting from 4:30 – 6:00 where NAVHDA youth from all across the country can meet, make survival bracelets and share stories.

Please encourage your members to come visit the future of NAVHDA as I know they would enjoy sharing their stories. Be sure to select the “Youth – Full Registration – All Access Pass” when purchasing tickets through the Eventbrite ticketing page.

We hope to see you there!
NAVHDA Youth Committee

Two proposals will be voted upon at that meeting:

1. Implement a review process by which the chapter Test Director can rate performance of judges during tests.

2. Add a fourth judge to the field portion of the Invitational Test.

If you wish to read more about the proposals, click on the number preceding the description above. The Rocky Mountain Chapter will discuss these proposals and vote our position at our own January meeting. Watch this page for the announcement of date and location of the meeting.

August 2019 Test Results

Thank you to all of the handlers, judges, and volunteers that made the August 23-25 tests another success! The three days of tests featured 15 Natural Ability and 8 Utility tests. Hot temperatures and low, weedy water presented some difficult conditions for the dogs and humans, but they all adjusted well.

Unofficial results are the listed here.

Days 1 and 3 photos are here. Day 2 images will be included shortly. You may download images for digital devices, but if you want to order prints, contact [email protected]. All proceeds benefit the Rocky Mountain Chapter.

That concludes the events for 2019. The annual kickoff meeting for 2020 will likely be scheduled for late December or January. A post will be made here as soon as that date and location are known.

Happy hunting everyone!

August Training and Test

The last training day of the year will be August 10 at Cobb Lake. You can sign up here. The focus will be on test preparation. Any problems you are having with your training program can be addressed, so be sure to mention them in the comments section when you sign up. If you need birds, you can order them from Black Hollow Game Birds on the sign up form.

Two weeks later will be the last test of the year on August 23, 24, and 25. Expect a call for volunteers soon. If you need information about the test, please contact the Director of Testing here. Results will be posted here soon after the test.

One week after that, hunting season begins! Your best friend will be a better hunter for all of the work you have put into training this year.

May Test, June Training, Steadiness Clinic.

May’s training day was good mix of formal training sessions and lots of free time for trainers to practice their own training programs. Now the busiest part of the training season starts with the May test on the 17-19th, June 15 training day, and the Steadiness clinic on June 29-20.

May Test

Three days of tests will put both natural ability and utility dogs through their paces. The test is full but there may still be some changes to running orders filled from the waiting list. Contact Test Director Allen Kidd for questions about the test.

Volunteers are the fuel that make the tests run smoothly and are a great way for trainers to learn more about testing, training, and hunting dogs. Contact Vice President Tim Griffin to sign up for a volunteer position.

June 15 Training Day

Much of the focus of this training day will be on the water, as the weather will likely be getting summertime hot. Bring your training problems to get help working through them. Get the birds you need for summer training. Signup here.

Steadiness Clinic

June 29-30 will feature Kyle Hough teaching clinic participants how to train bird dogs to be steady to wing, shot, and fall. This clinic is generating a lot of interest in the eastern parts of the country where Kyle is well known. If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t wait, spaces are limited. Signup for the Steadiness clinic soon.

May 4 Training Day

We are switching things up for the May Training Day!  The schedule is being adjusted slightly to accommodate more individual training for handlers preparing for the Spring RMC NAVHDA Test Weekend. Register here.

6:30-7:00             Sign In

Bird Purchases for Utility Handlers, Set Up Training Equipment for Utility Dogs

7:00-10:00           Utility Field Work (Back Field)

After the first two groups, we will split the Utility handlers. Half of the handlers will continue working Utility Field work while the other handlers return to the Upper Fields to work with the Natural Ability Handlers.

When all Utility Field Groups have finished working, Utility handlers can head over to the Duck Search water to work on training for that component with Live ducks.  Handlers would need to help set up for the Group Retrieving Drill at 11 am

8:30-10:00           Natural Ability Clinic

We will work the Natural Ability dogs as one large group working on each of the different segments (Field, Obedience, Table, Track, Water) and continue the progressions in preparation for the May Natural Ability Tests

10:00-11:30        First Year Utility Clinic

We will continue to expand on the drills that were outlined in April.  Advanced heeling, steadiness foundation in the presence of birds, duck chases in water, improve recall and retrieve to hand.

11:00-11:30         Youth Handlers

We are going to have a new drill challenge using everything we have learned so far this year (Looks, Sit, Down, Fast, Slow) and a new fun relay race.  We will also add to our skill arsenal with some new skill assignments for the month of May.

11:30-12:30         Utility Group Retrieving Drill

We will be bringing some more new challenges to the drill while continuing to provide a distracting and stimulating environment for heeling, steady and remain by blind, retrieving and multiple marking in the water.


1:00 – End of Day Individual Training and Bird Purchases for Natural Ability Handlers

Cobb SWA will be available for individual training to prepare for the May NAVHDA Test.  Find some training partners and enjoy the rest of the day!

Sara Heesacker, Training Director