Membership renewal reminder

A gentle reminder from RMC Treasurer Liz Dyer that it is time to renew your chapter membership. Annual dues are $40.

For non-members who might want to learn more about NAVHDA, you are welcome to come to a training day to check us out. Our first training day will be Saturday March 1 at Cobb Lake SWA and will focus on Natural Ability skills for the young dog as well as advanced skills for Utility Dogs.

We’re also finalizing the first 2014 newsletter, which will have detailed info on training days, test days and much more. Look for it soon.

Volunteers Needed for Fall Mock Test

Sunday, August 4, we are going to hold a Mock Test for the dogs entered in (or on the waiting list for) our Fall Test. So far, we have 3 NA dogs and 6-7 UT dogs. This is more dogs than normally allowed to be in a NAVHDA test. WE NEED HELP OR WE WILL HAVE TO CANCEL THE MOCK TEST. If anyone can come out and help from 8am-5pm please email Cheryl ASAP, ([email protected]). We will need the following 15 people to make this work.

  • Field Marshals – 2
  • Pretend judges – 4
  • Gunners – 3
  • Bird planters – 3
  • Duck handlers – 1
  • Distraction gunner/NA gunner (blanks) – 1
  • Extra/Gopher – 1


2013 Rocky Mountain Sieger

From our President:

Something fun to do with your dog or puppy off season:
A beauty contest!
For anyone who is interested in showing their dog in a conformation (how closely your dog matches breed standards) show and earning an International Champion designation, try these.

These shows do not make you compete with the other dogs in the ring such as an AKC show.
You compete against the standard for your breed, not other dogs, just like a NAVHDA test.

Function follows form.
What does that mean?
If your hunting dog’s conformation (form) is incorrect, than his ability to hunt (function) will be negatively affected.

In one weekend you can enter your dog in 4 shows (2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday). If your dog meets your breed’s standards adequately, judged by at least 3 judges (3 shows), your dog will receive an “International Champion” designation.

This is not just for AKC recognized breeds either. Try it out! It is fun. If there is enough interest, I could hold a short training session with how to show your dog at the next training day.

Thank you!

Hello from International Dog Shows and,

Just a reminder that we have an upcoming show in your area. The 2013 Rocky Mountain Sieger is May 11 & 12, 2013 in Loveland, CO. The show will be held at the The Ranch (Larimer County Events Complex). The grounds will be indoors. Please visit our website for more information at IABCA. The show will remain open to late entries until May 9, 2013 at 6PM Pacific (though on-time entries close May 3, 2013 at 6PM Pacific).

Please help us get the word out – tell all your friends!

Hope to see you there,
International Dog Shows

March Training Day

The RMC hosted our first training day of the year on March 2nd.  The weather was great and we had a good turnout. After a quick introduction, we broke into groups.

The members with NA dogs stayed at the north parking lot training area, led by Craig McLaughlin.

The members with dogs working towards UT and the Invitational moved to the south parking lot area with Ken Horner and Tom Swezey. Ken and Tom evaluated each dog in the field and gave each of the handlers feedback and advice going forward.

A big “Thank You” to Craig, Ken and Tom and the rest of the volunteers for sharing their training methods and insight.

For a detailed report, check out the article in the March 2013 Newsletter.

2013 Spring and Fall Tests Update

The Spring Test is officially full. We will have 10 NA dogs on Saturday and 6 UT dogs on Sunday. We have received applications and payment for all 16 dogs. We are now accepting applications for the waiting list.

The Fall Test is 75% full.

Please refer to the Tests page for all the forms.