RMC SUMMER BOARD MEETING – Wednesday August 10

To our members:

Thanks to you, it’s been an extraordinary year for the Chapter. Membership is up, attendance at our training days is way up, our volunteers have really stepped forward and we ventured outside our comfort zone and pulled off a successful Handler’s Clinic.

August is a busy month – we’ve got our final training day and Fall Test. Then, if you’re like me, thoughts turn to hunting. So this is a good time to take stock of where we are as a chapter and take up several new business items that  ought to be discussed in person and can’t wait until winter.

So please join us for an RMC board meeting August 10 at the Thornton Cabelas, located just east of I-125 at the W144th exit. We’ll meet in the community room in the northwest corner of the building. The meeting will start at 6 p.m.

Please RSVP if you plan to attend so we can set up seating appropriately.
Here’s our agenda
President’s report
VP’s report
Treasurer’s report
Training Director report
Test Secretary report
Old Business
Chapter gear and equipment needs
New Business
501(c)3 status
Fall Hunts
February 2017 training day
Training Clinic 2017
Other new business
If you can’t make it, no worries – we’ll send out minutes and an email updating you with any decisions we’ve made.
Hope to see you there
Theo Stein

August 13 – Final 2016 Training Day


Well, we’re one week from our final training day of the year and two weeks from our Fall Test, which is again predominantly Natural Ability dogs. Incredible how the year has flown by.

Since we’re not holding a mock test, we will try to make sure every NA dog in the Fall Test is able to practice the track, field and water. NA handlers should plan to buy at least 2 chukar, more if you want extra work. The Chapter will buy a few pheasants for the track exercise.

For UT handlers attending Training Day, we need to hear from you so we can try to focus on the skills you need to refine. Plan to buy 3 chukar and at least one duck, if you want to do water work.

As always, we’ll be gathering  at Cobb Lake SWA. Plan to be there at 7:00 a.m. to we can get started at 7:30.

Please RSVP to [email protected] to let us know if you’re coming, what level you’re training at, and the number and type of birds you’d like us to get for you – and whether you can lend a hand helping us run training day.

And if you’ve got a brand new puppy, please let us know that too!


Theo Stein
Rocky Mountain Chapter



June Training Day!

Flyin WireJumpin’ Jehosephat!
The RMC June Training Day is this coming weekend!

Here’s what we’re planning. Like we did in May, we’ll have concurrent stations for both NA and UT dogs. And if you’re testing in August – we really want to see you.

NA dogs will be run through the three testing scenarios: Field, Track and Water.

Our NA focus will be on coaching handlers on how to really handle your dog- learning to attain and maintain dominance over young pups, develop more consistent recall, and discourage long chases and delayed chases in the field.  Your dogs should be pointing consistently by now, but if not, we will address those issues as well.

Performance on tracks for NA dogs is something we will emphasize.  Our chapter members that have been present and actively engaged at this spring’s training days did very well in our Spring Test, with strong release techniques on dogs that had obviously been exposed to tracks.

Some pups lost points during the Spring Test because they did not enthusiastically enter the water, so that’s another focus. At the water, we’ll need help getting the handlers and dogs comfortable with swimming – If you can bring waders or swimming gear, that would be great.

NA handlers, plan on buying at least two chukar – three if you think your dog needs more work. We’ll supply the pheasants.

For our UT handlers – especially those that are on the block in August – we’ll focus this month on building fundamentals of duck search. You’ll need to buy at least 1 duck for duck search. (Get more ducks and chukar, of course, if you want to stay and train on your own in the afternoon, but remember, it may be hot.)

With the number of folks coming to training days – and the number of our volunteers who are in the August test – Saturday will again challenge our ability to deliver a productive, activity-filled training day for all.

That’s why we need you to RSVP as soon as possible to [email protected]. Let us know what you’re training for, whether your dogs needs special attention in a particular area, and whether you can help us run your training group.

PLAN ON IT BEING HOT – So bring plenty of water, sunscreen and bug spray. And be at Cobb Lake SWA early – 7:30 at the latest. We want to get going with both groups as soon as possible.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

A special thanks to our test volunteers

This weekend, you were flawless. One of the judges, Craig McLaughlin, called me while I was driving home Sunday and said this was not only the smoothest test he’s ever seen this Chapter run, it was one of the smoothest tests he’d ever participated in. He was very, very impressed, as were the other judges.


Super-volunteer Rick Huber of Cheyenne advises Distraction-Gunner- In-Training Trace Krueger of New Mexico as Derek Thompson and his wirehair Aspen wait to start their field run.

Two and a half years ago, I found myself somehow being the Test Marshal just before one of our tests. I was not prepared….a mental wreck. We cobbled together a handful of volunteers with no idea of how we were going to pull it all off. We did, barely.

This weekend, we had more volunteers than handlers. Going in I knew there was no question we were going to nail this thing. I know some of you must have felt under-deployed while you were out there and I want to make sure you know how valuable your participation was. With everyone there, it didn’t feel like volunteers hustling to put on an event. It felt like the chapter turned out to welcome handlers to a special day. To a person, the handlers and the judges were wowed. Given the turnover the chapter has endured over the past few years, it was enormously gratifying for many of us to see.

The health of any organization depends on the next generation.
This Chapter is very lucky to have you as members.

Your fan

Theo Stein, President


COBB LAKE SWA – Nineteen handlers enjoyed ideal spring conditions and great cover May 21-22 during the Rocky Mountain Chapter’s Spring Test.  Scores are below.

The Chapter wants to thank the handlers who presented their dogs for evaluation as well as judges, Senior Judge Mark Krueger, Craig McLaughlin, Scott Wilkey and apprentice Cliff Fleming.

JUDGES: Mark Krueger (Sr.), Craig McLaughlin, Scott Wilkey. Cliff Fleming, apprentice
Saturday, May 21
Test Scores Call Name Registered Name Breed Sex Handler
  Points Prize
NA 98 Pz III Elsa Outlander’s Noble Reflection GS F Sara Heesacker
NA 86 Pz III Ranger Stellar Vista Fall Color Aux Lake GR M Robert Roden
NA 102 Pz II Ginger Jackson Creek’s Whiskey Girl PP F Dale Parker
NA 112 Pz I Mya MW’s Blackberry Smoke GW F Scott Baysinger
NA 112 Pz I Frankie Deutsch Dually’s Feisty Francesca GW F John Wiebener
NA 96 Pz III Ayla Indian Brook Prairie Wind’s Ayla GS F John Hatch
NA 104 Pz I Draker Jackson Creek’s Braveheart PP M Kevin Boswell
NA 110 Pz I Moxy TKO Running with Moxie GS F Chris Wagner
NA 112 Pz I Pepper Greenhorn Mountain Spicy Pepper GR F Oliver Towns
Sunday, May 22
Test Scores Call Name Registered Name Breed Sex Handler
Points Prize
UT 199 Pz I Shane Lakewood’s Courageous Shane SM M Keith Seebart
UPT 118 NP Greta Oxbow’s Fertabulous PP F Jeff Buckwalter
NA 108 Pz I Tallie Indian Brook Talledega vom Mack GS F Tom Swezy
NA 95 Pz II Rosie Menhaglan’s Adelita Rose VS F Kate Castleman
NA 108 Pz I Biff Buford’s Mad Dog Tannen GS M Reid Johnston
NA 99 Pz II DD Dark Star’s Dirty Diana GW F Brian Knudsen
NA 106 Pz I Stella High Country Stella PP F Holly Binnian
NA 112 Pz I Aspen Aspen GW F Derek Thompson

Aspen, a female German Wirehair, can’t wait to hit the field portion of the NA test. Handled by Derek Thompson, Aspen received top scores: 112 Prize I.



MW’s Blackberry Smoke rewarded all the training owner Scott Baysinger did with her by bringing home a 112 Prize 1 in the NA test.


TKO Running with Moxy splashed her way to a 112 Prize I for handler Chris Wagner.


Holly Binnian handled High Country Stella to a 106 Prize I.