May Training Day –

We’ve been delighted by the turnout at our first two training days, but it has challenged us IMG_2287to make sure each handler and dog have productive days. With that in mind, Craig has planned a full schedule of training stations for NA and for UT with an eye toward maximum activity and minimum standing around. But for everything to run smoothly, we need handlers to be familiar with the plan, to know where they need to be and to be ready to pitch in when needed.

AS ALWAYS, PLEASE RSVP TO [email protected] WITH YOUR BIRD ORDER AND YOUR TRAINING LEVEL, NA OR UT – BY MAY 4.  Make sure you pack a lunch and sufficient water for you and your dog if you plan to work into the afternoon.We will need a few handlers to help us keep things moving.

Utility Dogs
For Utility Dogs, time to get serious. we’ll be running four stations during the morning session.

  1. Training Table (set up in the parking lot)
    • Dogs at the start of the Utility training regime will begin on the training table for a review of obedience, including whoa, heeling,; steadiness in the presence of a bird and discussion (only) of force fetch process. Multiple reps per dog, emphasizing incremental approach to training each aspect. Handlers will then move to the back field for work on planted birds.
  2.  Field
    • More advanced dogs will go directly to the field for work on search & range control/handling; steadiness; pointing/creeping; delayed chase; stop-to-shot; retrieve to hand; handling multiple birds; handling running birds. Plan on ordering 3 birds for the morning, more if you want to continue in the afternoon. Orange must be worn in the field during any exercise involving shooting. Break-action shotguns only.
  3. Drag
    • Introduction to the drag, with an emphasis on successful track and successful retrieve.
  4. Remain by blind/Steady by blind.
    • Drill one: line up all dogs-handler pairs, have dogs sit at heel, and then start short marked retrieves with each dog going in turn while the rest honor.
    • Drill two: Begin training remain by blind, then steady by blind, Note – we will emphasize an incremental approach for this test element: these can be trained at home/other locations on hard ground; adding gunfire and water entry after dog has mastered the obedience required.Remain by blind and steady by blind – Tests obedience and cooperation.
  5. Duck work –  Introduction to ducks for UT dogs will occur after lunch on Cobb Lake. More advanced duck search practice will happen after lunch on the 2nd pond. Duck work will be supported, but plan to find a training partner during the morning session.

Natural Ability Dogs
This weekend we will run 3 stations for Natural Ability dogs, in preparation for the spring test.

  • FieldWe will be planting birds in the field to simulate the field portion of your NA test. This session will expose your dogs to birds and allow handlers to work on your dog’s search and range and observe your dog’s exposure to gunfire ( a blank shotgun round). NA Handlers, plan to purchase at least 2 chukar each to evaluate your dog’s point (more if you plan to work into the afternoon).  Remember, the ability to recall your dog on command is important.
  • Track – We will be laying down more challenging tracks with pheasants that the chapter will provide.
  • Puppy Water – finally: We’ll help you introduce your puppy to water.
  • Training table: After the UT group is finished with the training table, NA handlers are encouraged to use it on their own for heeling, whoa training,& steadiness in the presence of birds.

Handlers of NA dogs are requested to plan to stay for the entire morning, to help staff the stations and assist in running other members’ dogs.  This help will allow us to efficiently move a large number of dogs through the NA testing environment. New members, and those needing experience in handling their dogs, working with birds, and general help in understanding NAVHDA testing and training, will benefit greatly by volunteering to help with their fellow members’ dogs.

Help needed: Bird field: 3 bird planters, 1 field marshall to oversee training runs; water: 2 volunteers, including 1 with pickup dog; track: 2 bird stewards to supply pheasants and assist with running tracks.
Please RSVP to [email protected] by__Weds. May 4_ to reserve birds. Indicate the number of chukar and or ducks you’d like us to purchase.


Spring Test volunteers needed!

The weather is warming and training/testing season is in full swing.  I hope your spring has IMG_1252been productive and fulfilling!

Our Spring Test is scheduled for Saturday May 21st and Sunday May 22nd.  At this point, the test has a full slate of dogs running with 10 Natural Ability scheduled for Saturday and 6 Natural Ability along with 2 Utility/Utility Prep on Sunday.

As you all know, our organization runs solely on volunteers from within our membership.  Visiting judges have given us high marks for our past tests because of how generous our membership has been with their time.  Our goal is to put together the best possible experience for handlers and spectators.

And for that we need your help.

If you are able to volunteer for one or both days, please reply to this email and indicate which day and role you would like to fill so that we can contact you.  This is an excellent opportunity for newer members to see some great dog work and learn about what to do/not do as a handler.

Also, please do not worry if you have never volunteered before.  Experienced members will IMG_1315be there to help guide and support you in your volunteer role.  We are really excited to see the chapter continue to grow and we hope that everyone gets and stays involved in our chapter.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to shoot me an email as well.

Respectfully yours,
Danny Sprague
Vice President\


Updates on a bunch of stuff


Yes, this is Test Director Phil Goodwin’s adorable Pudelpointer pup. Cuteness overload.


RMC Spring Test: Testing director Phil Goodwin reports that the Spring Test is full. However, there’s only one dog on the wait list and we usually have a couple of last-minute dropouts. So, if you feel lucky and you need to test your dog this spring, go ahead and get on the wait list.
Spring Test Volunteers: Look for a message requesting volunteers for our Spring Test soon. We’ve gotten high marks for how our tests have been run the past couple years – and it’s entirely due to our selfless volunteers.  If you’ve never volunteered before, don’t worry. Most of the tasks are simple – it’s just that we need several folks to make sure everything is done on time. Volunteering is a great way to get to know other handlers and see a test up close, so you can learn about how to handle your dog successfully.
RMC Fall Test: Believe it or not, our Fall Test is just about full already. There’s only one NA slot open for Saturday, August 20, so if you want in, don’t wait. Sunday ought to be a blast to watch, with 5 UT dogs and 1 UPT dog entered.
Handler’s Clinic: We were blown away by our solicitation of interest on the Handler’s Clinic, so we’re moving to secure a trainer and finalize a date. This is a two day event – with lunch served. The cost will be $125 per person. We’re shooting for July 9-10.
We received more requests to participate than we have slots, so we will be running registration like we do tests. That is:

  • Registrations will be secured by your check.
  • I will email invitations to people in the order that they responded to our request of interest.
  • Chapter members will get preference for two weeks after we secure a handler and a date. After that, I’ll be emailing invitations to non-members in the order in which they expressed their interest.

Chapter Wish List: It’s a sad fact of life is stuff breaks or wears out. The Chapter has several items we need to replace or secure this spring and in an effort to be frugal with your membership dollars, one of our Board members suggested that we solicit donations from you. Here’s the list. If you’ve got something on this list that still has some life left in it and you would like to send it to a good home, we’re happy to accept it.

  • Bird bags – can’t have enough for test day.
  • Camp chairs – judges need to sit when they come in for lunch during the test.
  • EZ-Up/Shelter – a malicious wind pretzled our big EZ up on the second day of our Fall Test last year.

If you’ve got something that fits the bill, please email me through the contact form on the Board of Directors page.

That’s all for now. Look for info on our May training day soon and a formal call for test volunteers after that.

Doggedly yours,

Theo Stein





Should RMC host a NAVHDA Handler’s Clinic?

We heard you!

Rocco retrieve

A Handler’s Clinic will help you understand how NAVHDA evaluates versatile hunting dogs.

Based on member requests, the Rocky Mountain Chapter Board is looking to sponsor a NAVHDA Handler’s Clinic this summer to help you improve your handling skills and gain insight into how to evaluate your hunting partner.

Hosting a clinic requires a modest investment by the chapter, so the Board needs to hear from at least 12 members who are highly likely to attend before we recruit a Senior Judge and finalize a date. Please RSVP by Sunday April 17 and let us know if you would be interested and likely to attend. We’re aiming to hold the clinic in mid-summer, before the Frontier Chapter’s summer test and our August test.

Participation will be limited to 20 handlers. Chapter members will be given first consideration.

What is a handler’s clinic?
A Handler’s Clinic is a two-day event designed to help NAVHDA members understand how NAVHDA evaluates versatile hunting dogs. The clinics are  conducted by designated, specially trained NAVHDA Senior Judges.

During the clinic, the judge will deconstruct every element of the Natural Ability, Utility Prep and Utility tests – with field demonstrations of the skills that pups, dogs in training and finished hunting dogs should possess. Most of the time is spent in the field with dogs, but a portion of the program includes discussion about the testing process and scoring.

You’ll learn about common handler mistakes that can detract from your dog’s score and tips on how to effectively manage your dog during a test. You won’t bring your dog, but you will watch dogs perform test elements, learn how to evaluate their performance and you’ll score dogs as if you were a judge All of this will help you understand – and enjoy – training and testing.

Who would want to attend?

  • New handlers with their first pup can see how other dogs’ work is evaluated by an GRIFF LESSONexperienced judge. This give you a baseline for understanding your pup’s strengths and identifying where work is needed to improve weak areas.
  • Novice handlers can see how NAVHDA evaluates versatile dogs, and learn how to better handle dogs in a test. A clinic will show you what a good gun dog can be expected to do.
  • Experienced handlers, especially those looking to prepare for the Utility test series, can gain a deeper, more technical knowledge of how the team of dog and handler are judged. The clinic will demystify terms like cooperation, obedience, steadiness and the elements of a proper duck search – skills that a finished versatile hunting dog should possess.
  • Looking to breed your dog? A clinic will help you learn what to look for in your dog’s pedigree and other progeny in your line. You’ll also learn how to use NAVHDA records obtained through our Search Test Records for selective breeding.
  • Wondering about becoming a NAHVDA judge? Completing a clinic is the first step in the process.

What if I’m not interested in the testing process?CwithSherman2013
Remember, NAVHDA’s goal is to help you learn how to train and handle the dog that you want. Test elements replicate the skills a finished gun dog should have. During a Handler’s Clinic, an experienced judge who has seen and evaluated many, many dogs will explain what those skills are and show you what those skills look like in the field.

What do we need from you?
Please RSVP to this email – [email protected] and let us know if you are interested in attending, what you and your dog(s) are currently training for and what your goals are. Please respond by Sunday April 17. We’re offering participation to active chapter members first. At some point, we’ll open registration to other chapters as well.

Many thanks to Testing Director Phil Goodwin for doing the legwork for the Board to offer you this opportunity.

On behalf of the RMC Board, we look forward to hearing from you!


Theo Stein

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Yes! I%26#039;m interested in attending a Hander%26#039;s Clinic!’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

RSVP for April training day

visla meets chukarHello again NAVHDANs –

We hope to see you this Saturday, April 2, for our second training day of the year. We’ll meet at the north parking lot of the Cobb Lake State Wildlife Area, off of CR 58 in Wellington, CO. Plan to be there at 7:30 am so we’re ready to go into the field at 8.

Be sure to read the previous post to see the day’s training agenda.

And as always, please RSVP to [email protected] to 1) indicate that you’re coming and 2) let us know if you’d like us to purchase birds for you. See you in a few days!