Is your trusty shotgun getting a little long in the tooth?
Maybe sometimes it goes “click” when you want it to go “BOOM”?
Here’s a chance to win a beautiful new CZ-USA Redhead Deluxe O/U in the 2015 RMC Chapter Raffle!
Tickets are $20.00 ea. You can buy them at our spring training days or our Spring Test.
• NAVHDA members only until April 13th
• Non-member sales after April 13th
• Winner will be drawn at the Spring Test on May 17.
Don’t delay!
April Training Day
April 4, 2015 – 8:00 AM
Cobb Lake State Wildlife Area
Wellington, Colorado
Agenda: By April, the water is usually warm enough to start introducing new pups to this new environment, so be prepared to get wet with your dog, and to have fun! We will still be working the fields, but if you’re running your pup in Natural Ability in May, you definitely want to get your pup’s feet wet.
Natural Ability Dogs: We will provide a range of options for owners of young puppies, from drills that help you begin to introduce a young pup to the water environment. Dogs that are older and bolder will have an opportunity to engage in fun duck chases and play retrieving drills, and an introduction to decoys and blinds. Our goal will be to start you and your dog down the path of solidifying a love of the water, marsh, and all that goes with getting a youngster prepared to enjoy its first season of waterfowling.
Utility Preparatory, and Utility Dogs: Older dogs and their owners will begin practicing more advanced water work. We will introduce heeling, remaining by the blind, steady by the blind and water retrieve drills. The group will begin with introductory duck searches, and then proceed through drills that help build desire and promote the confidence needed to initiate a mature, thorough search of a marsh. Along the way we will discuss the advantages of training for a reliable retrieve on land and water, ensuring steadiness under the distraction of gunfire, and reliable recall.
Invitational Level Dogs: Trainers with dogs that have mastered Utility preparations, and are looking for additional challenges, as well as those that are preparing for the Invitational Test, will be able to work on drills to build reliable blind retrieves, and on multiple marked water retrieves.
Preparing for the Day: April weather can run the gamut from warm and dry to blustery and wet. Be prepared with rain gear, sun guard, bug spray. A source of shade ( or cover!) and your dog will help make the day comfortable. Don’t forget folding chairs, snacks and bring plenty of water for both of you!
As with all of our training days, we will need a good count of attendees and their expected bird needs. Please RSVP and let us know how many birds (ducks, chukar or pheasant) you will need two weeks prior to the training day.
Training days are:
- Saturday March 14
- Saturday April 4
- Saturday May 2
- Saturday June 6
- Saturday August 1
Email contact: [email protected]
Sadie’s Story
By Dave Shickle, RMC NAVHDA Vice President
My journey with VC Amber Vom Felsigen-Berg began a little over eight and a half years ago when I fell in love with a shaggy, little, bright-eyed pup I later named Sadie. She was the last pup to be taken in her litter, she was my first hunting dog, and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Yet, despite all my training and handling mistakes, she became a fantastic hunting dog with incredible drive and desire. But, more importantly, a bond developed between the two of us that is like nothing I have ever known. She is truly my canine soul mate. But, how I ended up with this particular dog and all the wonderful experiences we’ve shared and frustrations we have endured over the years are stories for another day.
This story begins the summer of 2012, when Sadie and I managed to get enough things right to earn a NAVHDA UT Prize I and a trip to the 2013 NAVHDA Invitational. Unfortunately, the trip to the Invitational was jeopardized when I noticed that Sadie was increasingly sore (and sometimes limping) at the end of the day during the following hunting season.
I took her to my vet and his diagnosis was arthritis. He prescribed pain and anti-inflammatory meds, but the problems persisted. I took her to a canine chiropractor in the hope that he could help. His diagnosis was also arthritis. Two more months of acupuncture, injections, and supplements passed with no significant improvement. Members of my NAVHDA Chapter kept asking me if I was going to take her to the Invitational. I figured that this would probably be her one and only chance because of her age, and I wanted to take her. But, I wasn’t sure she could complete the necessary training or the test. I finally signed her up, mostly as a contingency, figuring I could always withdraw if it looked like she would not up to it physically.
I had her hips x-rayed and those compared to ones that were taken when she was two years old. There was very little change and nothing to indicate that significant arthritic issues were causing her symptoms. My vet referred me to a colleague whose diagnosis was a possible chronic muscle tear. He put her on a continuous regime of medications that finally seemed to help. The limping stopped, and we were able to train hard throughout the summer with no apparent after affects. (She even earned another UT Prize I, this time with a perfect score of 204.)
Our training for the Invitational went well throughout most of the summer, and I was optimistic. But, right before the test, her performance became inconsistent. I feared we had peaked too early or over-trained, and my optimism gradually turned to skepticism. When we left for the Invitational, I suspected our chances of passing were probably 50/50 at best.
At the Invitational, we drew the very first brace in the field work. I was prepared for the worse but, while her performance was not perfect, it was not bad either. As we left the field, one of the gunners commented that it had been a pleasure to work behind my dog. I was cautiously optimistic that we had gotten through the first major hurdle and might still have a chance depending upon what the judges saw. I put Sadie in her kennel in the back of my truck and drove to the location for the Heeling and Double Mark tests.
When we arrived, there was a queue and a wait. After a while, I got Sadie out of her kennel for a potty break. To my alarm, she was limping and would not put weight on her right rear leg. Our nemesis from the spring was back with a vengeance and my heart sunk. Still thinking that the problem was arthritis, I decided to walk her to see if she would loosen up. After about twenty minutes (or so) of slow walking, she started putting weight on her leg again. By the time we were called, the limp was barely noticeable and she went on to complete both the Heeling and Double Mark tests. Again, while she was not perfect, I thought she did okay. Once more, I felt like we might still have a chance. I put her back into her kennel and proceeded to the location for the Blind Retrieve and Honoring at the Blind.
When we arrived at the last location, there was yet another queue and another wait. My first thought was to use the same tactic and keep her loose by slowly walking her. But, we kept getting pushed further and further down in the running order. It became apparent that we could not keep walking, so we just sat down on the tail gate of my truck and waited – and waited. Sadie decided to take a nap in my arms (apparently, she wasn’t feeling the same pucker factor that I was).
When we were finally called for the tests, we had been waiting for nearly four hours. Sadie had been in the first brace of the morning in the field test, and now she one of the last dogs to do the Honoring at the Blind and the Blind Retrieve. She was cold, stiff, and sore as she limped up the hill from the truck; I really did not know if she would be able to swim across the lake and back again. To my surprise, there were three dogs and their handlers waiting at stations ahead of us at the top of the hill not counting the one testing, which meant still more waiting. As we progressed through these last wait stations, I could tell that it bothered Sadie to sit. So, whenever we stopped walking, we just stood.
At the final station before proceeding down the hill to commence the tests, I knelt down and told her that if she got into the water and it hurt too much, she could just come on back and I would not send her again. And, I meant it. I was fully prepared to pull her from the test even though she had come so far. I know that dogs cannot talk, but they do communicate (or at least mine does), and I’m pretty sure that she understood me. She went on to complete those final two tests flawlessly (though I think the judges were somewhat surprised by her signature barking all the way across the lake on the blind retrieve).
Sadie was the oldest dog at the 2013 Invitational, and I knew then that she would not be coming back regardless of the outcome even though she had already re-qualified. Regardless of whether she passed or failed, I was proud of her. Though in obviously pain, she had obeyed my every command and completed all the NAVHDA Invitational tests. I was anticipating the Judge to step though her scores in each of the tests but, to my surprise, he simply said her score was “200 and a pass.” It was a good thing that I was holding on to a chair because my knees nearly buckled, and it was all I could do not to cry. I was so very proud of her. While she may not have been perfect, she was good enough to earn a perfect score on that day, and she did it on heart and guts.
As Paul Harvey used to say: “And now for the rest of the story.” When we returned home, Sadie continued to limp and favor her right rear leg. An increase in her meds dosage didn’t help. Then, about a week or so after we returned home, I was reading an article in Versatile Hunting Dog magazine on ACL (CCL) injuries. The symptoms were exactly the same as Sadie’s. I immediately called my vet and told him I need to know for sure whether this was arthritis or some kind of soft tissue injury. He examined her again and took more x-rays of her hips and back. Both looked great for a dog of her age. He could not figure it out, so he referred me to an orthopedic specialist and surgeon. The surgeon’s diagnosis was a partially torn ACL.
The months since then have been an emotional roller coaster with two second opinions, scheduled then canceled surgical appointments, weeks of physical therapy, and a whole lot of soul searching. During this time, I reached out to the NAVHDA family for advice and for their experiences with this type of injury and surgery. I received many responses, some from individuals that I have never actually met other than electronically. I cannot describe how heartwarming it was to have people who I have never laid eyes on express a genuine concern about the well-being of member of my family – in this case, my canine soul mate. This was when I came to realize what the term “NAVHDA family” really means; it’s not just a cliché.
While I believe that surgery is inevitable, I have decided to delay it until Sadie either completely tears her ACL or this hunting season ends, whichever comes first. There are a couple of reasons for that decision that I won’t go into except to say that, after weighing all the factors, I firmly believe that this is what Sadie wants. We’ll continue to hunt together this season as long as she is able. If we can make it to February, she will hopefully have nine months to recuperate before the next hunting season without having to worry about any training. After all, she has proven her mettle; she is a VERSATILE CHAMPION!
New RMC newsletter, Facebook and more
After many years of mailing hard-copy newsletters to members, the NAVHDA board decided to move to an e-newsletter format to help us better communicate with not only our members, but prospective members. We’ve adopted Constant Contact, a popular service that will help make the best of all of our digital platforms.
In addition to our to the RMC NAVHDA web page, many of you are familiar with our Facebook Group. We also now have a Facebook page, and this newsletter.
Here’s a closer look at our communication tools and how they can be used to compliment each other:
- Website – The website is for materials of reference ( ie: bylaws, how to join) news of major business (board elections, board actions, testing information); lengthier feature articles and generally content that has a long shelf life.
- Newsletter – This newsletter will be designed to update members on major business (ie: board decisions), seasonal events as well as contain messages from chapter officials. Delivered four times annually, the newsletter will link back to the website and official chapter Facebook page.
- Facebook page – The Facebook page gives us the ability to update on chapter business between newsletters with just the click of a button. We will also post links to any new information placed on website. Anyone can post on the Facebook page, but the atmosphere of the page should be businesslike.
- Facebook group – This is the place where our members and guests can share personal opinions, photos, encouragement, announce litters, etc. Anyone can post here – with the goal of a lighter, engaging presence.
One note: unlike the web site, Facebook is not a spectator sport. It relies on user-generated content (that means you) to keep things fresh and interesting for our members and for prospective members. So please do not be shy about posting pictures of your exploits with your hunting buddy, your triumphs, your challenges and anything else that may come to mind.
This is new for us, and it will probably take a while to figure out how to use these four platforms to their best effect. If you have questions, or would like to make sure you’re on our email list, please contact the newsletter editor.
2014 Chapter Training Schedule
By Craig McLaughlin, Training Director
Greetings chapter members. The Rocky Mountain Chapter will hold 5 training days in 2014.
- March 1
- April 5
- May 3
- June 7
- August 2
We will start each day by meeting at 8 AM in the north parking lot of Cobb Lake SWA, near Wellington. Be sure to bring clothing, food, and equipment to keep you and your dog comfortable for a full day, as it is likely that we won’t finish working dogs until mid-afternoon.
What and How:
Our training days will be structured to promote active participation – you and your dog will actively participate throughout the day. Our goal is to help you train your dog as a useful and reliable hunting companion, so there will be plenty of opportunity to work through all training exercises with help and coaching from other members. We will split into two groups to allow the owners of young dogs to concentrate on preparation for Natural Ability testing, while those with older dogs work on more advanced topics focused on producing finished gundogs. Each grouping of dogs will be subdivided to allow for all dogs to rotate through a series of stations, each with a different training drill, to minimize waiting time and keep everyone engaged throughout the day.
This approach relies on the active participation of all involved, as we will need lots of hands on deck to set up and run each day’s exercises. The chapter has many experienced trainers, and we are counting on their help during training days, particularly in mentoring our new chapter members. I will be reaching out to individual members for help in manning training stations each month, and encourage all of you to look at training days as a means of re-engaging with the chapter. All of us, regardless of how polished our dogs are, will have an aspect of training that is in need of brushing up, or could benefit from challenging our dogs to perform at a higher level. A chapter training day is the perfect opportunity to help your fellow chapter members improve the performance of their dogs and (as Gundogs Unlimited says) get the support you need “to make your good dog better”!
The specific topics covered in each training day will be highlighted throughout the year, both in the newsletter and on our chapter website. We will progress through various aspects of field and water training regimens through the months, but will also retain training drills to emphasize the basic yard work to retain a high level of obedience that forms the foundation of a finished versatile gundog.
Puppies — Natural Ability Level Topics:
Our Natural Ability group generally includes several new members who are training their first NAVHDA dog. The success of this training group is critical to the future success of the chapter, for we need to recruit and retain members to ensure that our passion for training, testing and hunting versatile dogs lives on. We will start the year with the basics, emphasizing the exposure of young dogs to the variety of environments required to help them succeed at the Natural Ability testing level and provide a solid basis for their future development as gundogs.
We will begin the year with the training table and basic obedience commands, introduction to birds, introduction to gunfire, beginning steadiness work, introduction to retrieving, and tracking. Water work will be delayed until at least April to allow the water to warm. By our third training day in early May, all pups that are entered in spring tests will have been exposed to all elements of the test.
Older Dogs — Utility/Invitational Level Topics:
This group will start the year with a series of drills that reinforce basic obedience, including a review of table work, group retrieving drills that demand honoring, heeling exercises, on-lead and off-lead whoa work, and drags. Depending on the mix of dogs and training needs of the group, some or all of the following training exercises may be introduced, including control of range and promoting efficient field search, steadiness, stop-to-flush, trained retrieve, use of e-collars, and honoring (backing) a brace-mate’s point. In future months, as water temperatures warm, we will incorporate water drills, including those that build efficient duck searches, remaining by and steadiness by the blind, and we will introduce blind retrieves and multiple marked retrieves for Invitational-bound dogs.
What to bring:
Training days will be held rain or shine, so come prepared with appropriate clothing, bug spray, sunscreen, drinks, snacks, etc. The fields can be wet, so consider bringing waterproof boots and rain gear. Folding chairs, and a tarp or pop-up shelter are good additions to provide shade for you and your dog.
Bring plenty of water for your dog, along with whatever training gear you use. You’ll need a leash, check cord, e-collar, and whistle. The Chapter has some equipment available like retrieving bumpers, training table, blinds and decoys, heeling stakes, duck wingers, and bird launchers and bird bags. A crate or stake-out is recommended to keep your dog quiet and comfortable while waiting its turn in the field.
For more information, please contact Craig McLaughlin.