August 2022 Test Photos

The photos from the August 2022 test are now available. A huge “Thank You” to Dana Crego and Sharelle Gonzales for taking great photos.

Friday, August 19th | Saturday, August 20th | Sunday, August 21st

Click on an image to make it big. Once you have one open, you can scroll through the rest. In the gallery, the images are sorted by title, and the titles are over the photos so that it’s easier to find a particular dog.

Next Annual Chapter Meeting, August 20th, 2022, 6:00 pm

The Board of Directors would like to inform members that the annual chapter meeting will be held Saturday, August 20th, 2022 at 6:00 pm at Jake and Sara Heesackers. As stated in the chapter by-laws, the purpose of the annual meeting is to:

a. Elect new board members
b. Present Treasurer’s report
c. Appoint a delegate to the International meeting
d. Vote on changes to the by-laws
e. Present a proposed schedule for the following year’s events

Included in Item (e) is to set test dates and training days. A major reason for moving up the date of the annual meeting is to allow the chapter test secretary a better opportunity to schedule judges for our tests.

I hope to see a good turnout for the meeting as it’s been so long since we’ve been able to get together as a chapter. See you all on the 20th.

Tim Griffin
President, Rocky Mountain Chapter – NAVHDA

UPDATE: The chapter will be providing dinner. Please RSVP.

Hands on Habitat Workday

Join us on Saturday April, 23 for a fun day at the Cobb Lake Unit of the Wellington SWA. We will pack out trash, clean parking lots, remove invasive trees and have an amazing time with our fellow upland hunting and bird dog enthusiasts. We are excited to partner with Pheasants Forever and other local Northern Colorado hunting dog clubs for this event.

Please bring gloves, boots, appropriate workwear, sunscreen, and any tools you want to help collect garbage. Friends and family are welcome to come.

Please get in touch with John if you can volunteer so we have a head count for lunch.

When: April 23rd from 9:00 – 3:00
Where: Wellington SWA, Cobb Lake – meeting at the east parking lot: coordinates 40.660516, -104.963109
Directions: From I-25 and Hwy. 14 exit, go 5 miles N on E service road to CR 56, then 1.4 miles E to CR 3, then N to the parking lot on the west side of the road.