Spring Test volunteers needed!

The weather is warming and training/testing season is in full swing.  I hope your spring has IMG_1252been productive and fulfilling!

Our Spring Test is scheduled for Saturday May 21st and Sunday May 22nd.  At this point, the test has a full slate of dogs running with 10 Natural Ability scheduled for Saturday and 6 Natural Ability along with 2 Utility/Utility Prep on Sunday.

As you all know, our organization runs solely on volunteers from within our membership.  Visiting judges have given us high marks for our past tests because of how generous our membership has been with their time.  Our goal is to put together the best possible experience for handlers and spectators.

And for that we need your help.

If you are able to volunteer for one or both days, please reply to this email and indicate which day and role you would like to fill so that we can contact you.  This is an excellent opportunity for newer members to see some great dog work and learn about what to do/not do as a handler.

Also, please do not worry if you have never volunteered before.  Experienced members will IMG_1315be there to help guide and support you in your volunteer role.  We are really excited to see the chapter continue to grow and we hope that everyone gets and stays involved in our chapter.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to shoot me an email as well.

Respectfully yours,
Danny Sprague
Vice President\