Spring 2021 Test Pictures Available!

Mark Lance, Sharelle Gonzales, and Riverlight Images have posted the pictures from this year’s Spring Test. Thank you Mark and Sharelle for all your work at the test days this year. To view the pictures, please click on your test day:

Spring NA Test – FRIDAY photos by Mark Lance

Spring UT Test – SATURDAY photos by Sharelle Gonzales

Spring NA Test – SUNDAY photos by Mark Lance

If you would like to purchase any pictures or if you have any questions, you may email Mark at mark@riverlightimages.com, call 720.258.5820, or contact him on instagram @riverlightimages.

2021 – Annual Meeting

Hello Everyone!
Please see the below message from our Jake Heesacker, our Chapter President. Only paid 2020 and 2021 memberships will receive a link to attend our annual meeting. As you will read below, you can now pay your dues online; making it easier than ever to stay current. THANK YOU to Steve Roberts for making this happen for us.

Candice Cooper
RMC-NAVHDA, Secretary

Hello RMC NAVHDA members!

I hope each and every one of you has been able to get your dogs out and enjoy some hunting this season!

As hunting season winds down for the year, it is time to start preparing for training and testing season. Every year we kick off the new training season with our annual meeting, and this year will be no different. However, with the current state of COVID-19 and the regulations regarding large indoor gatherings, we will be holding a virtual annual meeting for 2021.

The RMC NAVHDA Annual Meeting will be held virtually on January 9, 2021 at 6:00pm.

The week prior to the meeting I will send out an invite to all of you with the link to the meeting. At that time I will also send all of you a copy of the agenda and chapter financial report. At the meeting we will discuss the dates of our upcoming tests as well as training opportunities in 2021.

The annual meeting is also where the membership has the opportunity to volunteer and vote for positions on the RMC Board of Directors. If you would like to volunteer to serve on the RMC Board of Directors in 2021, please reply to this email so I can reach out to you and discuss opportunities to serve next year.

I would also like to take this time to remind everyone that chapter memberships are due for renewal on January 1, 2021. I would also like to announce that you are now able to renew your membership (or become a new member if you have a friend looking to join the chapter) on the website via credit card at rmc-navhda.com. I would like to shout out a huge THANK YOU to Steve Roberts and Candice Cooper for getting our chapter set up to take credit card payments on the website! It makes paying our memberships more convenient for everybody! Here is the link to the website for memberships: https://rmc-navhda.org/join/

Thank you all for being members of our great chapter! Myself and the Board are looking forward to seeing and training with each and everyone of you in 2021!

Jake Heesacker
RMC NAVHDA President
Dogs with Altitude

RMC NAVHDA COVID-19 Information

To all Rocky Mountain NAVHDA Members,

I hope this finds you all well during these tough times of uncertainty surrounding COVID-19.  

All NAVHDA members should have received an email today from the NAVHDA Executive Council in regards to COVID-19.  As we are all aware, this is a very fluid situation that can change daily. Keeping this in mind, we are going to assess the COVID-19 situation weekly to determine if we will have the RMC training nights/days that are currently scheduled. Also, as we approach our spring test, the Board of Directors will discuss how we should best proceed. Currently nothing has changed with our spring test, but as the COVID-19 situation develops we will make any necessary adjustments.

In regards to this week’s training, we are cancelling the UT Foundation training night at Surefire Kennels on Friday, March 20. We encourage all handlers to continue working with their dogs on the exercises we went over at the last training night. Feel free to use the Facebook page to ask questions or discuss training topics. Even though we may not be able to meet weekly, we are still here to help with your training.

We will send out updates to the training schedule weekly via Facebook and Email. As always if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email or give me a call.

Thank you all and stay safe!Jake Heesacker
RMC NAVHDA President
Dogs with Altitude